Thank You for Your Contribution to the HCA. We appreciate you. The HCA recognizes the best and brightest in our town, focuses on key issues, provides public access to important, relevant information and works with the community to promote a positive environment in Haddonfield. Your contribution enables us to offer programs that inform, educate, and encourage discussion and engagement among Haddonfield residents.
What Does Your Contribution Do?
Our work is made possible by our members, whose support enables us to provide numerous benefits to the Haddonfield community, including:
- With the support of the Haddonfield Police Department and the Borough Commissioners, we continue to work with interested residents to promote a safer town for all borough residents through better communications and heightened awareness.
- Video and archives of Borough meetings, Board of Education meetings, and events. At your convenience, and on your computer, you can watch the issues being debated at important meetings through the HCA web site. Your donation directly funds this important initiative, which costs over $3,000 per year.
- Special Town Forums on key topics of interest to the Haddonfield community, including Candidates Forums, Neighborhood Watch Forums, and more.
- The Annual Meeting and Town Dinner held each spring and the Annual Town Meeting held in October.
- Over $1700 in scholarship awards benefiting the HMHS student winners of the Robert Bradshaw Memorial Civic Essay Contest and the Harry T. Kaufmann Performing Arts Award.
- The Alfred E. Driscoll Award for community service, which encourages and recognizes outstanding civic contributions by town organizations and individuals.
Your contribution enables us to offer these programs that inform, educate, and encourage discussion and engagement among Haddonfield residents.