American Legion Post #38
Address: 129 Veterans Ln, Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Phone: (856) 429-5414
Located in historic Haddonfield which is proud of its heritage and has always encouraged patriotism with its support of national holidays. Approximately 30 members of the Post are involved as firefighters or law enforcement officers in the community.
Special events for the year include:
- A Post-sponsored Memorial Day Parade with services atHaddonfield Memorial High School (HMHS).
- Participation in the Borough’s Parade.
- Veterans Day — A visit to the Haddonfield Middle School to participate in the auditorium then followed by lunch and going to the classroom to discuss wartime experiences and “Americanism”.
- Conducting services at the high school.
Each year during our parades, Post 38 distributes several gross of small American flags to young spectators. Other Americanism activities include a Flag Day Celebration with the community, a School Coloring Contest and Boys’ State participation.
Social events include:
- A Steak Dinner Meeting in January.
- A Last Man’s Dinner on the first or second Monday in April.
- A Post Picnic in August.
- A Fried Oyster – Ham Dinner / Meeting in October.
Membership is solicited for all veterans who served during wartime and were honorably discharged. If you have ever received a veterans benefit, you should belong to the American Legion.