Haddonfield Cub Pack 65
Website: cubpack65.com
Phone: Contact via the website
Haddonfield United Methodist Church
29 Warwick Rd, Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Since its beginning, the Cub Scout program has been a fun and educational experience concerned with values. Besides providing a positive place where boys can enjoy safe, wholesome activities. Haddonfield NJ Cub Scouting focuses on building character, improving physical fitness, teaching practical skills, and developing a spirit of community service. Grades 1-5.
Haddonfield NJ Cub Pack 65 Activities include: Den Activities with your Friends, Monthly, Cub Pack Meeting, Fall Camp Out, Fall Hike, Winter Sleep In, Pinewood Derby, Ski Trip, Spring Hike, Spring Camp Out and even more activities with your den

Rotary Club of Haddonfield
Website: haddonfieldrotary.org
Phone:(856) 795-7941
Tavistock Country Club
Tavistock Ln, Haddonfield, NJ 08033
The Rotary Club of Haddonfield is dedicated to making things better for others. Since it was first established in 1927, the Club has consisted of community leaders and business people from Haddonfield and surrounding areas, representing a range of professions and interests. As a member of Rotary, we are working with 1.2 million other Rotarians around the world to make an impact. We recognize the value of bringing together diverse and informed perspectives to drive positive change, and our Club offers that opportunity through its members — nearly 100 strong.
The Club meets weekly on Wednesdays for lunch and a program at Tavistock Country Club. For further information, click here to link to our website at haddonfieldrotary.org. Or, contact Vin Parker, our Administrator at (856) 795-7941 or by email at [email protected].

Dance Haddonfield
Website: www.dancehaddonfield.org
Phone: N/A
30 Tanner Street
Haddonfield NJ 08033
Dance Haddonfield is the non-profit Delaware Valley Chapter of USA Dance, the national amateur ballroom dance association. Every Sunday at Grace Church there is a 7pm beginner lesson followed by 2 1/2 hours of open ballroom dancing.
A large spread of food is provided to attract the guys and there is 20 feet of literature about local instructors, studios, and events in the Delaware Valley. About 60 people, mostly singles, show up every week. No notice required, just walk in. Cost is $15, the best deal in town.
Friends of the Indian King Tavern Museum
Website: www.indiankingfriends.org
Phone: 856-429-6792
233 Kings Highway East
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
The Friends of the Indian King Tavern Museum, dressed in period attire, help the staff with programs scheduled at the Tavern. This includes the June Skirmish on Kings Hwy between the redcoats and colonialists, a dramatic reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, the annual Colonial Beer Tasting fundraiser in September, and numerous re-enactors during the year, such as Benjamin Franklin, Dolly Madison, the headless horseman, and pirates. We also have a very active town criers group.
Haddonfield Educational Trust
Website: www.haddonfieldeducationaltrust.org
Phone: (856) 429-4130, ext. 206.
PO Box 178, Haddonfield NJ 08033
The Haddonfield Education Trust (“HET”) is a non-profit public charity that is dedicated to enhancing the educational excellence of the Haddonfield Public Schools. As a non-profit organization, separate from the Haddonfield Board of Education, the HET manages certain scholarship funds and other investments for the Board of Education. In addition, the HET solicits and receives gifts, grants and other donations that are used to benefit the Haddonfield Public Schools and its faculty and students.
Among its recent initiatives, the HET has funded over $20,000 in Teacher Grants that enable teachers to pursue projects and initiatives outside of the budgetary constraints of the Board of Education. HET has also committed to funding other capital projects for Haddonfield schools.